Earthquake VI  

Class: Conjuror
Earthquake VI Icon
Violently shakes the earth around the conjuror, dealing magic damage and knocking down all nearby enemies.
Earthquake VI (Journeyman)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 5.5
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 424 - 1273 health magic damage on caster
Earthquake VI (Adept)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 6
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 463 - 1389 health magic damage on caster
Earthquake VI (Expert)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 7
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 540 - 1620 health magic damage on caster
Earthquake VI (Master)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 8
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 617 - 1851 health magic damage on caster
Earthquake VI (Master)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 8.25
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 636 - 1909 health magic damage on caster