Vile Tactics  

CategoryGreater Faydark
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Min Coin: 2s, 57c
Max Coin: 3s, 64c
Choice Of:
Tempered Sword
Tempered Dagger
Tempered Knuckles
Tempered Wand
Tempered Mace

  1. Slay four crushbone corruptors in west of Orc Hill in Treant Grove.
  2. Kill the High Corruptor Gar'Lek near 488.57, 5.91, -233.90 .
  3. Deliver the orc plans to Whittier on the Green Knoll. ( 572, 45, 75 )

Behind Orc Lines Greater Faydark
Quest Series
Sapling Spur Outpost
Thwarting the Orcs
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Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2010-10-12 13:34:54.