The Ark of Harclave (Trial of Harclave)  

Grants AA
CategorySundered Splitpaw
Level50 (Scales)
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:

This quest is given by Sarchel the Storyteller. Unlike traditional quests where you hail and click, in this one you simply stand next to him and wait for him to finish telling his long-winded story. Once the story is completely told an offer box will automatically appear. This quest takes place in the Sundered Splitpaw: Trial of Harclave solo instance ( -36, -68, -66 ) , which is only accessible when you are on this quest. The quest level will scale to your level, within the range of 20-70.

When you first enter the instance be sure to click the torch and rock next to you on your left. You will need this during the quest.

When you head in, you should head to the left, using the plank to cross. There are eight braziers scattered around the area which you must light using the torch. They are at:

  • 66, -80, -205
  • 91, -70, -169
  • 104, -70, -165
  • 43, -67, -276
  • 73, -67, -286
  • 104, -79, -212
  • 63, -60.5, -318 (will have to do a lot of box stacking to get to this one and the next)
  • 47.2, -60.8, -315

After this you must open the Ark. The ark is located in between the final two braziers (the ones that you had to stack boxes to get to) at 51, -60, -318 . Once this is lit you will be blessed by Harclave and able to defeat monsters much higher than you due to this blessing. This is important because you will now need to defeat a bunch of Heroic monsters.

Immediately after this undead will begin to spawn around the Ark of Harclave. You can kill all of these and the loot is decent. You do not need to kill them, however. Invisibility will allow you to pick and choose your opponents very easily.

After doing this you want to work your way to the a Zygomyd Spore King at -12, -66, -179 in the zone. This will require you to move around some planks back at the entrance and then jump over the ledge. One tip is to rotate the planks using the mousewheel. This will make it easier to make it across.

After killing him you will need to kill Rosch Val Gornas -100, -63, -93 , the skeleton king and retake the throne. This is also in the Trial of Harclave, in the skeleton area. You will need to move some boxes around to reach him.

After killing him you can click the throne behind him to be teleported back to the Splitpaw Den and to receive your reward.

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Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2014-01-22 16:52:39.