Infiltration System  

CategoryFens of Nathsar
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Related Items:
a scrap of paper
Rilissian Soldier's Rhino
an iksar bookcase
Faction Changes:

Game Update #52
Monument and Might
June 16, 2009

See Sliza Xarezia in Riliss.

  1. Use the Order of Rime Flurryburst Illusion (or Order of Rime Shardhammer Illusion, or Order of Rime Nova-vicar Illusion, etc.) Sliza provided to infilrate the Rime encampment at Dragon's Rest Shallows in Fens of Nathsar.
  2. Speak to Geldryy Alvek at the lower camp.
  3. Find a useful map or scroll in the camp.
    • at -2523.49,-412.29,-2859.44 . You will get attacked by an observant shardhammer guard (73).
    • Examine the page a second time (no attack).
  4. Return to Sliza Xarezia.

You are advised to keep the disguise and use it to work for the Order of Rime, while learning all you can about them. Proceed to do quests at The Sheet. At this point your faction with The Order of Rime should be about -9,000. Please note however that turning this quest in will not remove the mask from your inventory.


You can now do repeatable Order of Rime faction quests obtained by examining objects around the camp.

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ZAM would like to thank Fairhair of Test for some of the information in this article.

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Categories: EverQuest II | GU52 | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2013-10-18 15:29:52.