The Legend of Roger Goldie: Quality Time in The Overrealm  

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Game Update #55
February 16,2010

Ol' Man Silvers at -27, 20, 237 in Tenebrous Tangle thinks we're about at the end of the quest. Get stronger while he finds out more about the treasure.

  1. Get to level 67 by helping the locals in Tenebrous Tangle, Barren Sky and Bonemire.
    • If you are already level 67+, you can rehail him immediately.
  2. Return to Silvers.
  3. Meet Silvers in Kylong Plains at Dreg's Landing to dig up the treasure. ( 852, 2, 373 )
    • To get to Kylong Plains, catch a boat from the Antonica or Comonlands dock or take the World Bell Network.

The Legend of Roger Goldie: Sandblasted The Legend of Roger Goldie
Quest Series
The Legend of Roger Goldie: Booty Abound!
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Categories: EQ2 Quests | GU55 | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2011-06-02 11:32:14.