Final Warning  

Find seven missing pages in The Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridors

Started by a clickable Skeleton at -27, -11, 40 (the right on, on the Screenshot). Click it and you'll loot a book. Examine and the Quest will start. PAGES WONT BE VISIBLE, IF YOU DIDNT EXAMINED THE BOOK FROM THE SKELETON!

  1. a scribbled note, page 7 - Dropped by A Reanimated Hand
  2. a scribbled note, page 2 - Ground spawn at -79, -26, -13
  3. a scribbled note, page 8 - Ground spawn at -190, -36, -190
  4. a scribbled note, page 9 - Dropped by Hoptor Thagglor
  5. a scribbled note, page 10 - Dropped by Furdip and King Vroak Vriipp
  6. a scribbled note, page 4 - Ground spawn at -120, -38, -252
  7. a scribbled note, page 5 - Ground spawn at -151, -13, -88

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link:
Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2014-11-11 05:11:19.