Far Seas Direct Requisition #FRN0931  

CategoryForest Ruins
Started ByFar Seas Trading Requisition FRN0931
Related Zones:
Required Mobs:
Min Coin: 1s, 20c
Max Coin: 1s, 35c
Starcrest Skullcap

This quest is initiated by examining the item of the same name. This item drops off centipdes and badgers in the Forest Ruins. This quest asks you to kill

6 Antonican Hawks and 4 Stoneshell Snappers

All of these animals can be found in the Forest Ruins.

Once the resources are gathered, you are to visit Merchant Grekin in the Starcrest Commune to claim your reward the Starcrest Skullcap.

Qeynos Villages
Quest Series

This page last modified 2008-08-29 09:53:45.