Barb Islenet  

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Zone:North Freeport
Classifications:Half Elf, Humanoid, Living, Old World, Organic, Terrestrial, Warmblooded

Barb has been unlucky in love, and misses her wine more than her ex-boyfriend. She can be found in the following locations:

  • In North Freeport, just south of the Stonestair Byway zone at -28, -20, -272 .
  • In Greater Faydark, inside the Kelethin Research Library at 135,109,178 .
  • In South Qeynos, upstairs on the balcony of The Herb Jar at 658.56, -18.57, 246.28 .
  • In Neriak, inside the New Foreign Quarter's broker, at 82,24,137 .
  • In Gorowyn, standing inside a tent in the Timorous Maw area at 2482, 33, 1348 .

Bristlebane Day
Occurs annually around April Fool's Day.
Special one-day events on April 1st!

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This page last modified 2010-07-20 11:43:14.