Undergrowth IV  

Class: Warden
Undergrowth IV Icon
Roots the target and the surrounding encounter members and decreases their agility. When the root effect wears off, it slows their movement for a short duration. Every hostile spell or damage received by the target has a chance at breaking the effect. Upgrades to this spell reduce the target's resistance to the full duration of the effect.
Undergrowth IV (Journeyman)Applies Natural Undergrowth
Roots target
Decrease agi of target by 78.65
Undergrowth IV (Adept)Applies Natural Undergrowth
Roots target
Decrease agi of target by 85.8
Undergrowth IV (Expert)Applies Natural Undergrowth
Roots target
Decrease agi of target by 100.1
Undergrowth IV (Master)Applies Natural Undergrowth
Roots target
Decrease agi of target by 114.4