Echoes of the Ancients VI  

Class: Mystic
Echoes of the Ancients VI Icon
An impairment that reduces the max health, noxious resistance and elemental resistance to an entire enemy encounter. "Choose to be strong of body and not strong of soul." - General Urduuk
Echoes of the Ancients VI (Journeyman)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 1.65
Decrease elemental of target by 1056
Decrease noxious of target by 1056
Echoes of the Ancients VI (Adept)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 1.8
Decrease elemental of target by 1152
Decrease noxious of target by 1152
Echoes of the Ancients VI (Expert)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 2.1
Decrease elemental of target by 1344
Decrease noxious of target by 1344
Echoes of the Ancients VI (Master)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 2.4
Decrease elemental of target by 1536
Decrease noxious of target by 1536