eq:Lucy Item Definitions  

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The main table is a list of definitions of the Lucy Item Database Fields. The rest of the tables are for bit fields and enumerations in the database.

You can find out more at Lucy as well as the home page.

Many parts still need better work, and there are some duplicate entries that need removed.

Until a Combat Systems page is done, you can find the same information at Samanna's Combat Effects.

Lucy Item Database Field Definitions

Table of Lucy Item Database Fields
Lucy Cate. Type & Size Basic Desciption
aagi Basic Integer Byte Attribute Agility is one factor in determining your avoidance--how often NPC's will miss when trying to hit you. It also increases your chances to gain points in some combat skills.

Increases Character AGI to max stat limit (See Stat Caps)
ac Basic Integer (Word?) Armor Class (AC) is a multiple factor statistics. AC from equipment increases the mitigation portion of the AC stat. Increases Character Armor Class (See Combat System)
accuracy mod2 Integer Word Accuracy is a mod2 that increases your chance to hit (in direct opposition to an enemies chance to avoid)
acha Basic Integer Byte Attribute Charisma affects how much merchants will charge you for their wares. It also affects the chances for charm, memory blur, mesmerization, and divine intervention spell effects to work.

Bard only: High charisma decreases the chance you will miss a note while playing a song.

Increases Character CHA to max stat limit (See Stat Caps)
adex Basic Integer Byte Attribute Dexterity affects your chances for special melee abilities such as combat effects and critical hits. It increases your chances to gain points in most combat skills. It is also a factor in determining how much damage you do with throwing weapons and archery.

Bard Only: High dexterity decreases the chance you will miss a note while playing a song

Tradeskills: If your dexterity is higher than your intelligence or wisdom, it determines how quickly you gain skill in Fletching and Make Poison.

Increases Character DEX to max stat limit (See Stat Caps)
aint Basic Integer Byte Attribute Intelligence affects your chances of gaining skill points in most skills, if it is higher than your wisdom

Intelligence is the primary spell-casting attribute for Shadowknights, Bards, Wizards, Enchanters, Necromancers, and Magicians. It affects how much mana these classes have, which determines how many spells they can cast before they must rest. For all except bards, it also determines how often a spell will fail to cast correctly (fizzle).

Increases Character INT to max stat limit (See Stat Caps)
artifact Adv. Flag Byte <>0 True <>0 is an Artifact meaning there is only one at most per server (Did they allow two after server mergers?). Also used to indicate Monster Mission rewards that will be transmuted to appropriate level item upon exiting the instance.
asta Basic Integer Byte Attribute Stamina increases your maximum hitpoints. Different classes get more hit points per point of stamina than others. Stamina also determines your maximum air supply when you are underwater or in airless zone.

Increases Character STA to max stat limit (See Stat Caps)
astr Basic Integer Byte Attribute Strength is one factor in determining how much damage you do with weapons and special attacks. It directly affects the amount of weight you can carry before suffering penalties. It also increases your chance to gain Offense and Bash skill points.

Tradeskills: If your strength is higher than your intelligence or wisdom, it determines how quickly you gain skill in Blacksmithing.

Increases Character STR to max stat limit (See Stat Caps)
attack mod2 Integer Word Attack, originally Vengeance line of worn effects, was changed to a mod2 around 2003. Attack adds to a player's Attack rating upto a cap of 250 without AA extensions (See Combat System).
attuneable Adv. Flag Byte <>0 True <>0 is an Attuneable item meaning that it can be traded until it is equipped (Attuned) and then it automatically become a NO TRADE item
aug1type Aug. Integer Byte Aug Type for Slot 1; 0=No Aug Slot
aug1unk2 Aug. Integer Byte Unknown
aug1vis Aug. Flag Byte <>0 True Is the aug slot visible on item display?
aug2 … 5type Aug. Integer Byte Aug Type for Slot 2 … 5; 0=No Aug Slot
aug2 … 5unk2 Aug. Integer Byte Unknown
aug2 … 5vis Aug. Flag Byte <>0 True Is the aug slot visible on item display?
augdistill Aug. Integer Dbl Word Item ID for the Augmentation Distiller to use to safely remove the specific augment
augres Aug. Enumeration Byte See Aug Restrict Sub-Table
augvalue Aug. Bit Flag Dbl Word Bit Flags for Augmentation Slot Types and Augment can fit into; 0=Not an Augment; See Bit Flags Sub-Table AugSlot Column
avoidance mod2 Integer Word Avoidance is a mod2 that increases the chance to avoid a melee attack by a percentage. Base avoidance chances are based primarily on the avoidance portion of AC which is based primarily on Defense skill and Agility
awis Basic Integer Byte Attribute Wisdom affects your chances of gaining skill points in most skills, if it is higher than your intelligence.

Wisdom is the primary spell-casting attribute for Paladins, Rangers, Beastlords, Clerics, Shaman, and Druids. If affects how much mana these classes have, which determines how many spells they can cast before they must rest. It also determines how often a spell will fail to be cast correctly (fizzle).

Increases Character WIS to max stat limit (See Stat Caps)
backstabdmg Basic Integer Word Around 2008, this field was added; Previously backstabdmg was the same as the damage on a piercing weapon; Now they can be different.
bagsize Bag Enumeration Byte Largest size the container can hold; See Size Sub-Table.
bagslots Bag Integer Byte Number of Slots for Containers.
bagtype Bag Enumeration Byte Type of Container; See Bag Type Sub-Table.
bagwr Bag Integer Byte Amount of Weight Reduction the Container provides as a percentage.
banedmgamt Interm. Integer (Word?) Value for specified BaneDmgBody.
banedmgamt2 Interm. Integer Word Amount of Damage for Banedmgrace type
banedmgbody Interm. Enumeration (Byte?) See Bane Body Sub-Table.
banedmgrace Interm. Enumeration Word See Bane Race Sub-Table.
bardtype Basic Enumeration (Byte?) See Bard Types Sub-Table.
bardvalue Basic Integer (Word?) Amount Bardtype is Modified
benefit Adv. Flag Byte 0=None; 1=Benefit; 3=Benefit?
booktype Basic Flag Byte <>0 True <>0 is a book
bookunk Interm. Enumeration Byte Type of Book. See Book Type Sub-Table.
casttime Integer Dbl Word Casting time in 1/1000ths of a second for Food / Drink items
casttime0 Click Integer Dbl Word Casting time in 1/1000ths of a second for Click Effect
charges0 Click Integer Word Number of Click Effect Charges; 0=Unlimited; 0>Number of Charges left
charges1 … 5 Spell
charmfile Adv. String Similar to Charmfile, but in numeric form and seems to only apply to items that can vary according to some external factor.
clairvoyance Heroic Integer Word Clairvoyance: Gives a chance to gain mana equal to the total amount of the modifier when casting spells. This believed to apply to spells close to your level and possibly of minimum amount of mana to cast.
classes Basic Bit Flag Word Class Restrictions; 0=None; 0<>Set bits allowed; See Bit Flags Sub-Table Class Column
color Basic Integer Dbl Word Item Coloring = 0xFFrrggbb
combateffects mod2 Integer Word Combat Effects which is a mod2 that increases proc rate for all procs
cost Basic Integer Dbl Word Number of Copper Pieces.
cr Basic Integer (Byte?) Cold Resist determines resistance versus Cold based spells; Increases Character SV COLD to max resist limit (See Resist Caps).
damage Wpn Integer (Word?) Weapon / Arrow Damage (See Combat System).
damageshield mod2 Integer Word Damage Shield (DS) is a mod2 that causes 1 HP of damage per Damageshield to an enemy every time they hit you, up to the 35 cap, not including AA extensions; Worn DS is not in effect unless a DS buff is also up; This way you can offtank an enemy without them taking damage simply by removing all DS buffs, but still get all the other effects of the armor without having to remove them.
delay Wpn Integer (Word?) Weapon Delay (20=1 Swing per Second not hasted nor modified by multiple attack chances or haste) (See Combat System).
diety Basic Bit Flag Word Diety Restriction(s); 0=Any; 0<>Limit to Set Bits; See Bit Flags Sub-Table Diety Column
dmgplusamt mod2 Integer Word Amount of Extra Damage applied to Extradmgskill (See Combat System).
dmgplustype mod2 Enumeration Byte Extra Dmg Skill is the type of skill that gets extra damage, which is adding on after all other damage calculations (See Combat System).
dotshielding mod2 Integer Word DoT Shielding is a mod2 that decreases the amount of damage taken from damage over time spells each tick, as a percentage
dr Basic Integer (Byte?) Disease Resist determines resistance versus Disease based spells; Increases Character SV DISEASE to max resist limit (See Resist Caps).
dsmitigation Heroic Integer Word Damage Shield Mitigation you take one point less damage shield damage from an enemy with a damage shield for each point of dsmitigation you are wearing total.
effecttype0 … 5
effecttype2 Worn Integer Byte Type of Worn Effect
effecttype4 Scroll Integer Byte Type of Scroll Effect.
effecttype5 Bard
efflevel0 Click Integer Byte 0=Effect at max level for the spell; 0<>Effect cast as the level specified
efflevel0 … 5
efflevel1 Proc Integer Byte 0=Effect at max level for the spell; 0<>Effect cast as the level specified.
efflevel2 Worn Integer Byte 0=Effect at max level for the spell; 0<>Effect cast as the level specified
efflevel3 Focus Integer Byte 0=Effect at max level for the spell; 0<>Effect cast as the level specified.
efflevel4 Scroll Integer Byte 0=Effect at max level for the spell; 0<>Effect cast as the level specified. (The requied level for the spell for scrolls / tomes).
efflevel5 Bard
efftype0 Click Integer Byte Type of Click Effect
efftype3 Focus Integer Byte Type of Focus Effect.
elemdmgamt Wpn Integer (Word?) Amount of Elemdmgtype Damage.
elemdmgtype Wpn Enumeration Byte Type of Elemental Damage; See Elemental Type Sub-Table.
endur Adv. Integer (Word?) Endurance is statistic similar to Mana, but instead of being based primarily on INT or WIS it is based on STR, STA, DEX, and AGI. Like Mana however, it is used for Disciplines (Discs) for Melee and Hybrid classes for special attacks and defenses, as well as for everyone for certain activities such as jumping; Increases Character Max Endur.
endurregen mod2 Integer Word Similar to HP and Mana Regeneration, Endurance Regeneration provides an extra 1 Endur heal per tick per Enduranceregen point accumulated, up to a currently unknown cap limit; Evethough Endur Regen has been part of the data stream for many years, no items showed this mod2 until the release of Secrets of Faydwer and the Face Aug
evoid Evo. Integer Word Identifies the initial evolving item's ID, thus all items with the same Loregroup value are different evolution levels of the same series, starting with the item ID given by the Loregroup value.
evolvl Evo.
evomax Evo.
factionamt1 … 4 Interm. Integer Word Amount of Faction Factionmod1 … 4 is changed (See Factions Sub-Table).
factionmod1 … 4 Interm. Enumeration Word Index to Faction Ids; See Factions Sub-Table.
filename Adv. String Server filename for Book Contents.
fr Basic Integer (Byte?) Fire Resist determines resistance versus Fire based spells; Increases Character SV FIRE to max resist limit (See Resist Caps).
fvnodrop Basic Flag Byte <>0 True <>0 is No Trade on Firiona Vie (FV) server. FV server has special rules, one of which almst all items are tradeable, and only those with this flag set are No Trade.
guildfavor Interm. Integer (Word?) Guild Tribute Favor Points for donating the item (See Guild Tribute).
haste mod2 Integer Word Haste is one of the few mod2 that is NOT cumulative; In other words, you only the effect from the item with the highest Haste rating; Worn Haste is not affected by Reclevel, but is capped at Level+1%
healamt Heroic Integer Word Heal Amount: Increases healing spells by the total amount of the modifier. This is a base value that is scaled to the casting time of the spell so quick casting spells get less and longer casting spells get more.
heirloom Adv. Flag Byte Heirloom flag indicates that an item is similar to No Trade, but can be shared among characters on the same server and same account via the shared bank.
heroic_agi Heroic Integer Word For each point in a Heroic Agility, the player gains one point in AGI and the maximum AGI is increased by one point. In addition, Heroic Agility increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have. Also increases the chance to dodge an attack, grants a bonus to defense skill, and reduces falling damage.
heroic_cha Heroic Integer Word For each point in a Heroic Charisma, the player gains one point in CHA and the maximum CHA is increased by one point. In addition, Heroic Charisma improves reaction rolls with some NPCs and increases the amount of faction you gain or lose when faction is adjusted.
heroic_dex Heroic Integer Word For each point in a Heroic Dexterity, the player gains one point in DEX and the maximum DEX is increased by one point. In addition, Heroic Dexterity increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have. Also increases damage done by ranged attacks, improves chance to successfully assassinate or headshot, and improves the chance to riposte, block, and parry incoming attacks.
heroic_int Heroic Integer Word For each point in a Heroic Intelligence, the player gains one point in INT and the maximum INT is increased by one point. In addition, Heroic Intelligence increases mana pool, mana regen, and the maximum amount of mana regen a character can have.
heroic_sta Heroic Integer Word For each point in a Heroic Stamina, the player gains one point in STA and the maximum STA is increased by one point. In addition, Heroic Stamina increases hit point pool, hit point regen, and the maximum amount of hit point regen a character can have. Also increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have.
heroic_str Heroic Integer Word For each point in a Heroic Strength, the player gains one point in STR and the maximum STR is increased by one point. In addition, Heroic Strength increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have. Also increases damage done by melee attacks and improves the bonus granted to armor class while using a shield.
heroic_wis Heroic Integer Word For each point in a Heroic Wisdom, the player gains one point in WIS and the maximum WIS is increased by one point. In addition, Heroic Wisdom increases mana pool, mana regen, and the maximum amount of mana regen a character can have.
hp Basic Integer (Word?) Hit Points is a pool statistic, based primarily on STA and item HP stats, that determines how much damage can be take before being knocked out and eventually dead. Increases Character Max HPs
icon Basic Integer Word Icon ID associated with the item.
id Key Integer Dbl Word Lucy / in-game item number ID.
idfile Misc String IDFile filename.
itemclass Misc Integer Word, Selective 0=general; 1=container; 2=book
itemtype Basic Enumeration Byte Type of Item; See Item Type Sub-Table.
ldonprice Interm. Integer Word Number of LDoN points it's sold for
ldonsold Interm. Flag Byte <>0 True Non-zero if sold by LDoN Merchant
ldontheme Interm. Bit Flag Byte 0=Not from an LDoN; 0<>Bits set for which LDoN themes it's available from; See Bit Flags Sub-Table LDoNTheme Column.
level0 Click Integer Byte Required Level for the Click Effect
level1 Proc Integer Byte Required Level for the Proc Effect.
level2 Worn Integer Byte Required Level for the Worn Effect
level3 Focus Integer Byte Required Level for the Focus Effect.
level4 Scroll Integer Byte Required Level for the Scroll Effect.
level5 Bard
light Basic Integer Byte Light Source type; See Light Source Sub-Table.
lore Misc String Item's Lore text. What you see in-game when holding the item and cast Identify.
loreitem Interm. Flag Byte <>0 True -1=Lore item,0=Non-Lore,1+=Loregroup Number for Evolving items.
magic Basic Flag Byte 0=Non-Magic; 1=Magic.
mana Basic Integer (Word?) Mana is a pool statistic, based primarly on INT for BRD, ENC, MAG, NEC, SHD, and WIZ, or WIS fr BST, CLR, DRU, RNG, and SHM, while BER, MNK, ROG, and WAR do not get a Mana pool. This pool is primarily used up by casting spells, but some detrimental spells and effects can drain it as well. Increases Character Max Mana
manaregen mod2 Integer Word Mana Regeneration was originally a worn effect called Flowing Thought (FT), but was switched to a mod2 around 2003. Mana Regeneration bestows 1 point of Mana back to the player every tick for the amount of Manaregen accumulated upto a cap of 15, without AA cap extensions. AA Mana Regen lines are not subject to this cap, only Worn Mana Regen
material Basic Enumeration Word Type of Texture Material; See Material Sub-Table.
maxcharges Click Integer Word Depricated.
mr Basic Integer (Byte?) Magic Resist determines resistance versus Magic based spells; Increases Character SV MAGIC to max resist limit (See Resist Caps).
name Basic String Item's displayed name
nodrop Basic Flag Byte 0 True 0=No Drop; 1=Tradable; 255=?
nopet Interm. Flag Byte <>0 True <>0 is not equippable by a pet
norent Basic Flag Byte 0 True 0=Temporary; 0<>Permanent
notransfer Interm. Flag Byte <>0 True <>0 means the item cannot be transferred across servers with a character move.
pendinglore n/a
placeable Adv. Flag Byte <>0 True Flag for items placeable in houses. This flag may not include paintings, textures, and other housing items that specifically for houses.
pointtype Interm. Enumeration Byte Type of Points or Currency used to purchase the item (See Point Sub-Table).
potionbelt Adv. Flag Byte <>0 True <>0 is Potion Belt enabled item, meaning you can place the item in a potion belt slot.
potionbeltslots Adv. Integer Byte Number of Potion Belt Slots the item opens up; Like haste only the highest is in effect and since there are no items with more than a value of 1, only a single potion belt slot can be opened up using items.
power Adv. Integer Quad Word Appears to be misread by Lucy atm, but is the total capacity of a Power Supply item.
pr Basic Integer (Byte?) Poison Resist determines resistance versus Poison based spells; Increases Character SV POISON to max resist limit (See Resist Caps).
prestige Adv. Flag Word? Flag that when set (?) denotes the item requires a gold membership to equip.
procrate0 Click Integer Word Unused;
procrate1 Proc. Integer Word Same as Procratemod, but for weapon items with innate proc.
procrate1 Proc. Integer Word
procrate2 … 5 Proc. Integer Word
procratemod Proc. Integer Word Procedure Rate Modifier for Proc (Combat) Effects affecting weapon's aug slot as well.
purity Adv. Integer Byte Also applies INFUSIBLE item display tag if <>0. Purity is the percent amount of a Power Source slot items max stats that apply to the current item slot.
questitem Interm. Flag Byte <>0 True <>0 Is an item used in a quest.
races Basic Bit Flag Word Race Restrictions; 0=None; 0<>Set bits allowed; See Bit Flags Sub-Table Race Column.
range Wpn Integer Word Range distance for thrown / archery items (See Combat System).
recastdelay Click Integer Dbl Word Minimum amount of seconds between casts of the click effect.
recasttype Click Integer Word Type of Recast for click effect.
reclevel Interm. Integer (Word?) Recommended Level specifies at what character level the equipped item stats will become the maximum. For most equipment this is a linear function (rec_stat = char_leve * max_stat / rec_level + .5) with rounding to the nearest whole number and a minimum value of 1. For some items however, a server-side script is used to calculate the values and is non-linear. Examples include the newer Player made jewelry, such as Gold Trio Necklace. Items with server-side non-linear scripts will only show values when the item is equipped. Modified / Unmodified item display buttons can be used to switch between recommended level item display an max stats display.
recskill Adv. Enumeration Word Recommended Skill Level of most likely Defense for armor, or weapon skill skill type for weapons.
regen mod2 Integer Word Hit Point Regeneration allows you to regain 1 HP per tick per Regen, which caps at 35 for levels 1-65, then +2 to the cap for each level above 65, without AA extensions to this cap; AA regen lines are not subject to this cap
reqlevel Interm. Integer (Word?) Required Level is the minimum character level to obtain any stats from a worn item. Eqipped items with a required level higher than the character's level will be outlined in red to denote the lack of stats being applied. Previously (prior to dieing and possibly deleveling without a corpse and therefore unequipping all items) items with required levels higher than the character could not be equipped.
shielding mod2 Integer Word Shielding is a mod2 that decreases the constant (base) damage portion of incoming damage by a percentage
size Basic Enumeration Byte 0=Tiny; 1=Small; 2=Medium; 3=Large; 4=Giant; 5=Giant
skillmodtype Interm. Enumeration Byte See Skills Sub-Table.
skillmodvalue Interm. Integer (Word?) Value for specified SkillModType
slots Basic Bit Flag Dbl Word See Bit Flags Sub-Table Slots Column.
spelldmg Heroic Integer Word Spell Damage: Increases damaging spells by the total amount of the modifier. This is a base value that is scaled to the casting time of the spell so quick casting spells get less and longer casting spells get more.
spellid0 Click Integer Dbl Word Spell ID for the click effect
spellid1 Proc Integer Dbl Word Spell ID for the proc effect.
spellid2 Worn Integer Dbl Word Spell ID for the Worn Effect
spellid3 Focus Integer Dbl Word Spell ID for the Focus Effect.
spellid4 Scroll Integer Dbl Word Spell ID for the Scroll Effect which are effects that are learned, such as spell scrolls and melee tomes.
spellid5 Bard
spellshield mod2 Integer Word Spell Shielding is a mod2 that decreases direct damage (instant) spells by a percentage
stackable Basic Flag Byte <>0 True Abandned, now uses Stacksize > 0 as flag
stacksize Basic Integer Word Maximum number of the items per stack; 0=not stackable
strikethrough mod2 Integer Word Strikethrough is a mod2 that increases the chance to counter a successful defense, such as parry or riposte, by a percentage
stunresist mod2 Integer Word Stun Resist is a mod2 that increases the chance to resist a stun by a percentage
summoned n/a
tradeskills Adv. Flag Byte 0=Not a tradeskill item; 1=Tradeskill useable item
tribute Interm. Integer (Word?) Personal Tribute Favor Points for donating the item (See Tribute).
unknown07 Basic Float Dbl Word Markup Merchants use to calculate sell price
unknown08 Adv. String Details items that transform in certain ways, most notably Charms, Ornamentations, LoN cards, Power Supplies, and other similarly changing items.
unkown44 Click Integer Dbl Word 0=Instant Click Effect; -1=?; >0=Instant Special; >0 Lucy / Eqitems not the same values, looks like Eqitems is 64K higher
weight Basic Integer Byte Item weight in 1/10ths of a stone
Proc Integer Byte Type of Proc Effect.

Bit Flags Sub-Table

Table of Bit Flags
Bit Value AugSlot Class Race Diety Slots LDoNTheme
0 1 1 WAR HUM Agnostic CHARM Guk
1 2 2 CLR BAR Bertoxxulous EAR Miragul's
2 4 3 PAL ERU Brell Serilis HEAD Mistmoore
3 8 4 RNG ELF Cazic-Thule FACE Rujarkin
4 16 5 SHD HIE Erollisi Marr _ear2_ Takish-Hiz
5 32 6 DRU DEF Bristlebane NECK
6 64 7 MNK HEF Innoruuk SHOULDERS
7 128 8 BRD DWF Karana ARMS
8 256 9 ROG TRL Mithaniel Marr BACK
9 512 10 SHM OGR Prexus WRIST
10 1024 11 NEC HFL Quellious _wrist2_
11 2048 12 WIZ GNM Rallos Zek RANGE
12 4096 13 MAG IKS Rodcet Nife HANDS
13 8192 14 ENC VAH Solusek Ro PRIMARY
14 16384 15 BST FRG Tribunal SECONDARY
15 32768 16 BER DRK Tunare FINGER
16 65536 17 Shroud Veeshan _finger2_
17 131072 18 CHEST
18 262144 19 LEGS
19 524288 20 FEET
20 1048576 21 WAIST
21 2097152 22 AMMO
22 4194304 23 POWER
23 8388608 24
24 16777216 25
25 33554432 26
26 67108864 27
27 134217728 28
28 268435456 29
29 536870912 30
30 1073741824 31
31 2147483648 32

Aug Restrict Sub-Table

Table of Augmentation Restrictions
Value Restriction
1 Armor Only
2 Weapons Only
3 1H Weapons Only
4 2H Weapons Only
5 1H Slash Only
6 1H Blunt Only
7 Piercing Only
8 Hand to Hand Only
9 2H Slash Only
10 2H Blunt Only
11 2H Pierce Only
12 Bows Only
13 Shields Only
14 1H Slash, 1H Blunt, or Hand to Hand Only
15 unknown
16 unknown
17 unknown (probably 1H Blunt or 2H Blunt Only)

Size Sub-Table

Table of Sizes
Value Size
0 Tiny
1 Small
2 Medium
3 Large
4 Giant
5 Giant

Bagtype Sub-Table

Table of Bag Types
Value Bag Type
0 n/a
1 General
2 Quiver
3 Belt Pouch
4 Pouch
5 Backpack
6 Small Box
7 Medium Box
8 Bandolier
9 Medicine Bag
10 Toolbox
11 Research Tome
12 Mortar and Pestle
13 Quest Container
14 Mixing Bowl
15 Spit
16 Sewing Kit
17 unknown
18 Fletching Kit
19 Distillery
20 Jeweler's Kit
21 Pottery Wheel
22 Kiln
23 unknown
24 Lexicon
25 Grimoire
26 Binding
27 Tome
28 unknown
29 Research2
30 Quest2
46 Tackle Box
51 Trader's Satchel
53 Augmentation Sealer
54 Ice Cream Churn
55 Ornamentation
56 Ornamentation Stipper
57 Unattuner
58 Tradeskill
59 Collectible

Bane Body Sub-Table

Table of Bane Body Types
Value Bane Body
1 Humanoid
3 Undead
6 Extraplanar
12 Vampyre
14 Greater Akheva
18 Draz Nurakk
19 Zek
20 Luggald
24 Elemental
25 Plant
26 Dragon
28 Summoned Creatures
34 Muramite
257 Terris Thule

Bane Race Sub-Table

Table of Bane Race Tables
Value Bane Race
12 Gnome
20 Venril Sathir
26 Froglok
39 Gnoll
40 Goblin
51 Lizard Man
54 Orc
60 Skeleton
134 Mosquito
202 Grimling
206 Owlbear
208 Vampire
215 Tegi
217 Shissar
220 Stonegrabber
230 Akheva
232 Sonic Wolf
236 Seru
356 Chokadai
392 Ukun
396 Kyv
400 Huvul
402 Mastruq
409 Bazu
410 Feran
412 Chimera
432 Drake
456 Sporali
466 Dark Lord
520 Bixie
524 Gnoll
525 Griffin
574 Minotaur
579 Wereorc
581 Wyvern

Bard Types Sub-Table

Table of Bard Types
Value Bard Type
51 All Instruments
50 Singing
26 Percussion Instrument
25 Brass Instrument
24 String Instrument
23 Wind Instrument

Book Type Sub-Table

Table of Book Types
Value Book Type

Elemental Type Sub-Table

Table of Elemental Types
Value Elemental Type
1 Magic
2 Fire
3 Cold
4 Poison
5 Disease
6 Chromatic
7 Prismatic
8 Phys
9 Corruption

Factions Sub-Table

Table of Factions
Value Faction
235 Da Bashers
241 Deeppockets
251 Froglok
305 Miners Guild 628
322 Rogues of the White Rose
1222 Cirtan, Bayle's Herald
1508 Traders of the Haven
1510 House of Fordel
1511 House of Midst
1512 House of Stout
1513 Guardians of Shar Vahl
1636 Inhabitants of Tanaan
1761 Nihil
1770 Yunjo Slave Resistance

Item Type Sub-Table

Table of Item Types
Value Item Type
0 1H Slash
1 2H Slash
2 Piercing
3 1H Blunt
4 2H Blunt
5 Bow
7 Thrown
8 Shield
10 Armor
11 Inventory
12 Lockpicks
14 Food
15 Drink
16 Light Source
17 Combinable
18 Bandages
19 ThrowingV2
20 Spell
21 Potion
23 Wind Instrument
24 String Instrument
25 Brass Instrument
26 Percussion Instrument
27 Arrow
29 Jewelry
30 Skull
31 Book
32 Note
33 Key
34 Coin
35 2H Piercing
36 Fishing Pole
37 Fishing Bait
38 Alcohol
39 KeyV2
40 Compass
42 Poison
45 Martial or Hand to Hand
52 Charm
53 Armor Dye
54 Augmentation
55 Augmentation Solvent
56 Augmentation Distiller
58 Banner / Fellowship Components
60 Learn Recipe Books
63 Alternative Currency
64 Perfected Distiller
68 Keyring-able Mount? *

Light Source Sub-Table


Table of Light Source
Val. Pr. B.R. BUW Hue Lum. Sat. L.S. Light Source Type Example item
01 9 9 0 049 020 020 _ Candle Wax Candle
02 8 8 0 060 038 002 _ Torch Torch
03 7 6 3 197 038 020 _ Tiny Glowing Skull Fiery Defender
04 4 3 0 108 049 003 _ Small Lantern Small Lantern
05 3 4 2 199 048 021 _ Stein of Moggok Small Clockwork Talisman
06 2 1 0 160 048 002 _ Large Lantern Large Lantern
07 1 2 1 203 047 018 _ Flameless Lantern Summoned: Staff of Runes
08 0 0 0 000 000 000 _ Globe of Stars n/a
09 7 6 3 000 000 000 _ Light Globe Bone Crafted Key
10 3 4 2 000 000 000 _ Lightstone Lightstone
11 1 2 1 000 000 000 _ Greater Lightstone Greater Lightstone
12 6 7 4 043 019 100 _ Fire Beetle Eye Fire Beetle Eye
13 5 8 5 019 025 017 _ Coldlight Glowgem
14 6 7 4 000 000 000 _ Paw of Opala Paw of Opala
15 5 8 5 000 000 000 _ Stein of Tears Stein of Tears
23 ? ? ? 000 000 000 _ Unknown #23 River Silk Arm Guards
  • Val. - Lucy value for light source field
  • Pr. - Priority rank
  • B.R. - Brightness rank
  • BUW - Brightness Under Water rank (0 = doesn't work underwater)
  • Hue - 0-360 Hue for color difference
  • Lum.- 0-100 Luminescence Percentage for color difference
  • Sat. - 0-100 Saturation Percentage for color difference
  • L.S. - Background light source as listed in reference document
  • Light Source Type - Lucy name for light source
  • Example item - Example item of the light source type

Material Sub-Table

Table of Material Types
Value Material Type
00 Cloth
01 Leather
02 Chain
03 Plate
04 Monk
05 Unknown#10-5
06 Unknown#10-6
07 Chain, Kunark
08 Unknown#10-8
10 Robe, Crimson Robe of Alendine
11 Robe, Flowing Black Robe
12 Robe, Cryosilk Robe
13 Robe of the Oracle
14 Robe of the Kedge
15 Robe, Shining Metallic Robes
16 Robe, Plain
17 Leather, Velious 1
18 Chain, Velious 1
19 Plate, Velious 1
20 Leather, Velious 2
21 Chain, Velious 2
22 Plate, Velious 2
23 Monk, Velious
24 Unknown#10-24

Point Sub-Table

Table of Purchasing Point Types
Value Point Type
0 n/a
1 LDoN
2 Discord
4 Radiants
5 Ebons

Skills Sub-Table

Table of Skills
Value Skill
0 1H Blunt
1 1H Slashing
2 2H Blunt
3 2H Slashing
4 Abjuration
5 Alteration
6 Apply Poison
7 Archery
8 Backstab
9 Bind Wounds
10 Bash
11 Block
13 Channeling
14 Conjuration
15 Defense
17 Disarm Traps
18 Divination
19 Dodge
22 Dual Wield
24 Evocation
27 Forage
28 Hand to Hand
29 Hide
30 Kick
31 Meditate
32 Mend
35 Pick Locks
36 Piercing
37 Riposte
39 Safe Fall
40 Sense Heading
42 Sneak
43 Specialize Abjuration
44 Specialize Alteration
45 Specialize Conjuration
46 Specialize Divination
47 Specialize Evocation
50 Swimming
51 Throwing
53 Tracking
55 Fishing
56 Poison Making
57 Tinkering
58 Research
59 Alchemy
60 Baking
61 Tailoring
63 Blacksmithing
64 Fletching
65 Brewing
66 Alcohol Tolerance
68 Jewel Crafting
69 Pottery
71 Intimidate
73 Taunt
255 none


  1. ^ Light Source

Categories: EverQuest | Dictionary (EQ)
This page last modified 2020-10-14 07:33:22.