EQ2 Quest:Who Dun It  

  1. Go back to where you found Gip ( 803, 162, -686 ) . Near his body you will find 3 clickable objects:
    • "residue coated rocks" ( 812,163,-689 ) - This will give you a quest, Evidence? Odd Plant Residue, which asks you to return to Captain Lip Marrsquire at Firmroot Moot.
    • "shreds of cloth" ( 812,163,-689 ) - This will give you a quest, Evidence? Torn Piece of Clothing, which asks you to return to Captain Lip Marrsquire at Firmroot Moot.
    • "broken axe head" ( 825, 163, -678 ) - This will give you a quest, Evidence? Broken Axe Head, which asks you to return to Captain Lip Marrsquire at Firmroot Moot.
  2. Captain Lip Marrsquire believes the Odd Plant Residue may be significant.
  3. Take the plant remains to Kilip the Green at 19, -77, -265 .
  4. Return to Captain Lip Marrsquire

Reward: Faction +1200 and some coin.

Where Has the Gip Gone Moors of Ykesha
Quest Series
Firmroot Moot
Bringing War to the Warlord
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The proper name of this page, Who Dun It?, contains a question mark which gives the wiki trouble. Therefore the Wikibase title has had the question mark removed.

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Quest:Who_Dun_It
This page last modified 2008-11-22 13:19:27.