Qeynosian Commendation for Material Assistance  

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Qeynosian Commendation for Material Assistance
This commendation is given with much thanks and gratitude for selfless acts of service to the Queen and Kingdom of Qeynos during the construction of the Antonican guild hall. Without your help, the fortress building project would not have had the resources to complete the magnificent structure.

Game Update #48
Breaking Ground
Live: Sept. 3, 2008

The Qeynos reward for completing 10 of the harvesting quests for the Guild Hall Construction World Event

This article refers to events, personae, items and activities that are involved in the Guild Halls World Event, which went live with GU48 on 9/3/2008, and ended with GU49. The events and activities described here are no longer in the game.

This page last modified 2008-09-01 20:37:57.