Trouble on the Horizon  

Speak to Nipik at -1632,-535,-2430 within Fina's Retreat in the Great Divide.

  1. Speak to Clicker, west-southwest of Nipik, at -1450,-521,-2379
  2. Kill 5 gnolls in the Abandoned Snowfang Camp, which is north of Clicker around -1465,-538,-2496
  3. Return to Clicker

NOTE: The shoulders that match this armor set are the Gnollish Bonemail Spaulders, which are a reward from So Very Hungry given by a gnoll named Snaps in the Great Divide at Snowfang Isle, at -904, -520, -2134 .

Steps to Acceptance Great Divide
Quest Series
Fina's Retreat
Building a Better Defense
A Dying Idol
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This page last modified 2012-01-27 10:52:14.