Joy in Place of Sadness  

CategoryGreat Divide
Related Zone:
Min Coin: 14g, 90s, 39c
Max Coin: 15g, 99s, 44c
Floral Decoration
Choice Of:
Pulsing Adornment of Agility
Pulsing Adornment of Strength
Pulsing Adornment of Wisdom
Pulsing Adornment of Intelligence
Faction Changes:

Speak to Rui in Fina's Retreat at -1573,-536,-2414 in the Great Divide to begin this quest.

  1. Gather 5 iceclad corals in the water beneath the glaciers around -1211,-553,-2374
  2. Return to Rui
  3. Place the 5 decorations. Their placement spots are marked by green sparkles:
    • 1st: -1576,-539,-2349 (right behind the mailbox)
    • 2nd: -1620,-535,-2408
    • 3rd: -1607,-537,-2371
    • 4th: -1563,-536,-2403
    • 5th: -1589,-535,-2396
  4. Speak to Rui to complete the quest

A New Calling Great Divide
Quest Series
Fina's Retreat
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Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link:
Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2011-02-21 01:12:01.