
Class: Conjuror
Earthquake Icon
Violently shakes the earth around the conjuror, dealing magic damage and knocking down all nearby enemies.
Earthquake (Apprentice)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 5
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 56 - 168 health magic damage on caster
Earthquake (Apprentice)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 4.750005
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 53 - 160 health magic damage on caster
Earthquake (Journeyman)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 5.5
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 62 - 185 health magic damage on caster
Earthquake (Adept)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 6
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 67 - 202 health magic damage on caster
Earthquake (Expert)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 7
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 78 - 235 health magic damage on caster
Earthquake (Master)Applies Knockdown
Increase blurvision of target by 8
Unparsed [KnockbackSpellEffectTemplate]
Stuns target on termination
Inflicts 90 - 269 health magic damage on caster