Survival Instincts VI  

Class: Ranger
Survival Instincts VI Icon
Increases defense, parry, agility, and base avoidance while reducing the offensive melee skills of the ranger. This is the ranger's primary defensive stance.
Survival Instincts VI (Journeyman)Increase Defense of caster by 58.3
Increase Parry of caster by 43.725
Increase agi of caster by 76.23
Decrease Slashing of caster by 29.234
Decrease Piercing of caster by 29.234
Increase baseavoidancebonus of caster by 1.705
Survival Instincts VI (Adept)Increase Defense of caster by 63.6
Increase Parry of caster by 47.7
Increase agi of caster by 83.16
Decrease Slashing of caster by 29.234
Decrease Piercing of caster by 29.234
Increase baseavoidancebonus of caster by 1.86
Survival Instincts VI (Expert)Increase Defense of caster by 74.2
Increase Parry of caster by 55.65
Increase agi of caster by 97.02
Decrease Slashing of caster by 29.234
Decrease Piercing of caster by 29.234
Increase baseavoidancebonus of caster by 2.17
Survival Instincts VI (Master)Increase Defense of caster by 84.8
Increase Parry of caster by 63.6
Increase agi of caster by 110.88
Decrease Slashing of caster by 29.234
Decrease Piercing of caster by 29.234
Increase baseavoidancebonus of caster by 2.48